Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big Hair

Big hair- also known as the "Utah Poof"- is well and alive in Idaho as well. I actually think they need to rename it the "Idaho Poof" since I have seen it WAY more per capita here than I ever have in Utah. I can understand poofing your hair for a wedding or prom or something but everyday? I have seen girls at Wal-Mart wearing the Poof and P.J.'s!

To make matters worse they have created- I'm sure you've seen it- the Bumpit. For the days when a global-warming amount of hair spray isn't enough. I'm sure they are selling like hot cakes up here. What are they trying to do? Turn us into a nation of Snookies?!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

See-Though Marketing

If you watch enough TV on any of the 24 hour News channels you are bound to see a Binder & Binder commercial (and plenty of diabetes, AARP, Jitter Bug, and 1-800-pet-meds commercials as well).  I don't know if they run this commercial every where else- I'm thinking not because as you can see at the end of the commercial the lawyer has a strategically placed prop hat (still with a New York scene in the back). Its like some executive was too cheap to make a different commercial for Idaho's demographic so someone just said "just put a cowboy hat on him!"  I found this YouTube clip of it online so at least I'm not the only one who found it comical.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Late on Trends

I had someone ask me this week if skinny jeans were coming back in style........ i wanted to say "yes starting 6 years ago"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Idaho Online

Welcome to my FIRST POST EVER!! OMG! LOL!

Which brings me to a thought.... Things that drive me CRAZY about Idaho Family Blogs-

4) Honky-Tonk Music That Starts Automatically- I hate music that starts automatically on any blog but it seems worse when that twang starts going- I get a blow back to 1882.

3)Text Abbreviations- Like OMG, LOL, etc.- The characters are not being limited- why don't they spell it out?

2)Scrapbook Layouts and Fonts- the trend is so kitschy I could puke, plus- I CAN'T READ the blog because of the "so totally amazing" scrapbook font that looks just like their penmanship.

Last but not least.....

1) Belly Shots- I'm talking about the practically naked shots people seem to love. THEY ARE GROSS!!! I know that they think its amazing what is going on with their body but do I have to see it?

Thanks for stoppin by!

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